Sample catalog searches for books about Humanities:
jazz music history
digital art
African American art
Ancient Egypt
Asian Art
To BROWSE shelves, look in these LC call number ranges:
B-BD Philosophy
BH-BJ Ethics and aesthetics
BL-BX Religion
DE The Greco-Roman World
DF1-500 Ancient Greece (to c. 323 A.D.)
DG1–399 Ancient Italy, Rome to 476 A.D.
DS1-937 Asian studies
DS61-66 Middle East studies and history
E175 American studies
GV1580-1799.4 Dance
M-MT Music, literature on music, instruction and study of music
N-NX Fine arts
PN-PZ Literature
PN1993-1999 Film
PN2000-3307 Theatre
PR-PS English and American Literature
TR Photography
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